Where Can I Purchase an iPhone Online?

There are few places these days where you can buy iPhone 3G online. Unfortunately, not all of these sites created equal. There are many important differences between them, including key issues such as the iPhone different prices, the availability of complete the purchase of your Apple iPhone 3G on the network can choose from a wide range of models and much more. Let us return to these questions one by one.

If you are still wondering where I can buy the iPhone the Internet, you need to know that there are four "official" places you can go in search of its new iPhone 3G, and some "unofficial" places, too. The four sites are: Apple Store, AT & T, Walmart and BestBuy. The most important non-official sites such as eBay and includes a number of sensitive sites. As mentioned above, these sites differ on many issues, but the iPhone offers, and terms of sale are often strikingly similar.

Let's analyze the first two places where it is likely that, when it was pointed out to buy Apple iPhone 3G: Apple and AT & T. Well, this should not surprise anyone that the conditions offered by almost the same. Both companies offer only the black 8GB model of black and white or 16 GB models. Prices for these models of iPhone 3G is $ 199 and $ 299 respectively. Both allow to complete the transaction online. Nonetheless, AT & T can buy only one iPhone per family. In addition, as Apple and AT & T (obviously) will ask you to sign a contract with AT & T as its sole supplier of mobile phones in general, up to 2 years (the price of this plan is $ 30/mes, by the way). As you can imagine, this is really one of the most common complaints, and now iPhone.

As far as Walmart and Best Buy, an iPhone, and offers customers the opportunity to complete the purchase online. Go to the local store to its new iPhone 3G. Models and prices offered by the two stores are the same as AT & T and Apple (oh no, sorry, Walmart offers a discount of $ 2 in both models, yes, you read right: $ 2 in the kit). You can find some refurbished iPhones, but a bit cheaper, but not very important, in my opinion. Of course, you will need to sign a 2-year exclusive contract for and T.

As you can see, nothing new to those who ask where can I buy iPhone in line at the best price?

Now, people who understand that sometimes the temptation to seek a number of online ad (eg, Craigslist) for the cheapest iPhone deal. Very often, unfortunately, this is an error. These places are still quite uncertain conditions of purchase. You can find some good deals iPhone, but can also, in many scams. Ability to test both the product and the reputation of the seller is almost non-existent. In addition, if something goes wrong, nobody is quite who to ask for help. If you still want to buy the iPhone here, to do so at your own risk. I wish you good luck.

Finally, is there a place online you can go if you want to buy the iPhone in line with safety, find all the models you want, and get a lot, too: eBay.com. Of course, there are a few important details that will certainly need to know if you want to buy the iPhone successful at this site for better price risk 0. Nevertheless, I fear that we will get too far in this short article.

Well, that's all. As someone who also used to ask, where can I buy the iPhone on the network: "I think now you have a good understanding of the situation. Good luck and hope that very soon will become the owner of the new iPhone 3G.

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